The vision for this NPNP is based on The Parable of the Great Banquet recorded in Luke 14:15-24. The vision of a table where the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame are all invited and welcomed is key, but also the way in which the parable challenges social norms, breaks down barriers and turns traditional roles upside-down.
Street Banquet is a place where hosts become guests and guests become hosts. All centred on Jesus’ transforming presence we have four key values:
- Radical acceptance – As in the parable this is a place for the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame and those who don’t fit any of these categories.
- Enduring Stability – As a marker of transformation the Street Ecclesial Community will always advocate, campaign and serve in order to bring about enduring stability for those in the street community.
- Holistic Flourishing – Bringing together physical and social well-being with spiritual and emotional well-being, we believe that we cannot be partly whole.
- Transformational Empowerment – Underpinned by a fundamental belief that all are made in God’s image, as hosts become guests and begin to move towards holistic flourishing people will begin to sense the call of God towards a life of discipleship and leadership within the church.
First access points:
- The Street Banquet – this will attract both members of the Street Community and those who feel a sense of calling to volunteer and serve within the sector.
- Informal (later to be more formal), detached chaplaincy building one-to-one relationships, hearing stories, offering prayer and building trust.
Next steps:
- Invitation to get more involved in the Street Banquet – “Guests becoming hosts”.
- Invitation to “Table Fellowship” with informal conversation, prayer and beginning to introduce some contextual Bible study.
The model of an evolving, contextual worshipping community is based on the Fresh Expressions “loving-first cycle” process.
- Listen – Identifying needs within the Birmingham Street Community – stability, food, dignity and respect.
- Love – Street Banquet
- Community – Table Fellowship emerges from Street Banquet
- Share Jesus – Invitation to share in ecclesial community
- Church – Form contextual church
- Repeat – Think about the next one