
During the initial COVID-19 lockdown, churches stopped in person gatherings, which many perceived to be negative. However, we heard many stories from parents who were finally able to engage with church.

Parents appreciated the flexibility of being able to join a service when it was convenient, and not worry about their children conforming to the behavioral expectations of others.

Many churches intentionally introduced ways to include more people eg. using Makaton signing, close captions and altering service lengths. In 2023, with most churches offering in person services, we see many concentrating their efforts into getting people back into the building.

Whilst people will still access online church, if this is reduced or stopped, then many will be excluded due to lack of thinking around disability inclusion.

The overall aim of this work is to support, equip and enable disability inclusion and participation across the district; allowing unreached people to seek relationship with God.

The work is initially being shaped and discerned to build on a foundation of additional needs ministry (The Gate) within the Vale of Stour circuit but also aid other ministries across the district. This NPNP Enabler for Additional Needs role [3 years] includes two core strands:

  • employment of a full time person, with experience in additional needs ministry, from spring 2023, to work alongside Methodist congregations actively seeking to develop disability inclusion.
  • This role will seek to enhance and embed existing disability inclusion practices, whilst collaboratively identifying opportunities to enable new ecclesial communities.

Key Targets

Year 1 (Spring 2023-2024)

  1. Supporting the adoption of The Gate Church within the Vale of Stour circuit and working alongside leadership, lay and ordained to embed best practice.
  2. Intentional building of relationships and networks by the employee. Actively listening to families, those with a lived experience of disability, and local leadership.

Year 2 (Spring 2024-2025)

  1. Continuing to provide support to enable up to five new ecclesial communities across the District.
  2. Building a culture of ‘with’ and not ‘to’, enabling all to belong to the body of Christ.
  3. Actively seeking the voices of those with a lived experience of disability to ensure ongoing assessment and relevance of the work.

Year 3 (Spring 2025-2026)

Working with the District Ministry and Mission Coordinator, the LN and the NPNPs to share good practice, models for mission, leadership and discipleship.

  1. Seeking cultural change across the District, sharing good news stories and good practice of disability inclusion with key leaders.
  2. Identifying and evaluating robust NPNPs and those which need support.

‘A lot can be learned from The Gate. It is so ideal for our children where it is a safe space to go and there is no judgment. There is opportunity to pray, look into Jesus and God and mix with the community and congregations, and to get together safely where it is adapted to our needs’. Louise, mum to Jack and Nicole.