
Evangelism. The E-word! A word which can make us feel all kinds of things: excited, uncomfortable, fulfilled, inadequate! However, you feel about it, evangelism is central to our calling to participate in God’s life-changing work.

The Methodist Church's statement, 'Our Calling' says: 

The Church exists to make more followers of Jesus Christ.

From Our Calling

We are all asked to ‘make disciples’ and we’re all gifted to do that in different ways. We want to be a Church which confidently, authentically shares the Good News – through our words and through our lives.

On the pages below you will find programmes and resources to help equip you for evangelism, wherever and whoever you are. Or, if you're looking for a resource to kick-start your evangelism as an individual or as a church community, check out this resource: 10 Ways to Practise Evangelism