There are plenty of resources available to equip you to confidently and authentically share the Good News. We’ve listed some of them below, grouped thematically, which we hope are useful.
If there’s something specific that would be helpful for you that you can’t find, please email Holly Adams (Evangelism and Contemporary Culture Officer).
Getting Started
10 Ways to Practice Evangelism
This resource contains 10 ways to practice evangelism and 40 ideas to put them into action for churches and individuals.
A Methodist Understanding of Evangelism
This article outlines the links between the good news (gospel) of Jesus, our calling to share that good news, the history of Methodist evangelism and the importance of evangelism for modern Methodists.
Creating Evangelistic Opportunities Beyond Church
This short article suggests ways in which you can reach out to people outside the Church
HOPE Spaces
This web page offers ideas for hosting Hope Spaces - creative prayer places in public spaces which invite your community to experience God through prayer.
Mission Planning
This web page provides guidance for mission planning provided by the Evangelism and Growth Team
Outreach events and witness
This webpage outlines the Evangelism and Growth Team’s work on providing a Connexional, evangelistic presence at events such as festivals and ways you can get involved or do something similar locally.
Invitation and Welcome
National Weekend of Invitation
The National Weekend of Invitation encourages Christians to invite friends, neighbours and work colleagues to church and is also an opportunity for churches to develop a culture of invitation.
Ten Questions to Help Your Church Become More Welcoming
This short article will help you consider how your church can give a warm welcome to all.
Inclusive Church: Radical Welcome Course
Radical Welcome is a four-session programme aimed at helping churches begin to look at what it might mean to go beyond being inclusive – to be Radically Welcoming.
Enquiry Courses
Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God
Alpha Youth is a 9-week series that makes it easy for you to create a space where youth will be excited to engage in conversations about faith.
Pilgrim is a Church of England resource which aims to create a place where people can explore the Christian faith together and see how it can be lived out each day.
A course designed to welcome people into the Christian faith and the life of the Church, Emmaus aims to involve the whole Church in evangelism, the nurture of new believers and ongoing Christian discipleship.
Start! introduces Christianity through six DVD based interactive, small-group sessions. The Start! course makes no assumptions about participants’ background or experience or knowledge of Christianity or the church. It really does start from scratch.
Christian Conversation
Talking Jesus
This course six-session course will inspire you to share your faith and will give you practical suggestions to help you to be natural and relevant as you talk about Jesus with the people you meet
Table Talk
Table Talk is a conversational game that creates space for the big (and not-so-big) questions of life.
Happiness Lab
The Happiness Lab comprises six discussions where participants explore what psychologists, doctors and faith leaders say will make people happier.
Faith Pictures
Faith Pictures is a six-session course designed to help Christians talk naturally to friends, neighbours and colleagues about what they believe.
Christian Communities in Conversation (CCiC)
CCiC is an evangelism project in the Plymouth and Exeter District of the Methodist Church that aims to grow a community of people who are confident and excited about having spiritual conversations based on experiences of life, living and encountering God.
With Children and Youth
Prayer Spaces in Schools
Prayer Spaces in Schools is a resource hub for the growing network of practitioners running prayer or reflective spaces in schools.
Godly Play
Godly Play is an approach centred on childhood spirituality based on Montessori principles which aims to create sacred space, build community, learn religious language and use it to make meaning.
Intro Outro
Intro Outro is a YouTube channel that creates weekly videos designed to introduce Gen Z to the Christian Faith and encourage them to live out a life that will make a difference to the world.
Messy Church
Messy Church is a way of being church for families and others. It is Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.
The Story Project
The Story Project - a Methodist Church GB initiative - resources individuals and churches with continuing guidance and encouragement to build public testimony into worship and the whole of church life as well as giving people both the platform and the confidence to share their story.
Contemporary Culture
Evangelism and Contemporary Culture
This longer article examines the ways in which our context has changed in recent years, and how that affects our practice of evangelism.
Digital Evangelism
This webpage explores evangelism in the digital world and offers resources for individuals and churches wanting to use social media evangelistically.
Discipleship Pathways for Local Churches
One of the Core Practices of Growing Churches is that they offer clear discipleship pathways, by which we mean a way of planning how to take people from where they are to where they need to be in their discipleship. These pages of the website offer a suggested discipleship pathway, some examples of other discipleship pathways and ways in which the pathway can be implemented.
Invite: suggested resources
The suggested discipleship pathway for use by Methodists in Britain has four stages: Invite, Connect, Form and Send. The first stage is evangelistic – it’s about inviting others into an experience of God’s love in Jesus Christ and into the fellowship of the Church. This page has more information about ‘Invite’ and some options for resourcing this stage of the pathway.
Connect: suggested resources
The second stage, Connect is also relevant to evangelism – it’s about being connected with Christian faith and with others in the Church as members of the body of Christ. Enquiry courses or introductory courses, such as Alpha and Pilgrim can be found on this page of resources.