
A podcast is an episodic series of spoken word audio files that a user can download or stream online for easy listening, and new instalments can be received by subscribers automatically.

Good News Story: Nomad Podcast

Back in 2008 a group of young Christians got together in Nottingham to explore Christian faith for a postmodern and post-Christendom context. They decided to invite others into the conversation and so Nomad Podcast was born; online conversations about life, faith and culture available to all.

Eleven years later and the Podcast is continually building in popularity as it reaches many others asking questions about faith in our contemporary world. With the addition of a listener map those people can now find each other offline and are creating local communities for faith exploration.

Online apologetics is now forming offline communities of faith. But still at the heart of Nomad can be found a twice-monthly podcast, through which they ask real questions and enjoy honest conversation, and as one listener puts it: “Listening to Nomad feels like sitting on the porch talking to close friends about God over a cold beer as the sun sets."

And another says: “My return to faith has been immensely enabled & enriched by the work of Nomad.”

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