
A Prayer for Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is reported as currently having the worst economic situation in Asia.  This economic crisis has been fueled by Covid and exacerbated by various political agendas. The suffering caused by the crisis has led to widespread protests against the government.

This prayer has been received by Sheila Norris, Partnership Coordinator for Asia Pacific from Rev. Maxwell Doss, General Secretary of the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka



 Out of the depths I cry to Thee, O Lord’

‘My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth’        Ps. 130: 1/121: 2


O Pilgrim God, who journeys with us in this pilgrimage of life, harken thou to our prayers as we lift up our nation in agony and despair, clamouring for an end to the oppressive and exploitative rule that has battered and bruised our lives.

God of Justice and Mercy; be Thou our Hope and Strength so that in our collective efforts as a people, may we in this struggle come to experience the much longed ‘Exodus’, as a nation, the ‘Passing Over’ from-

‘Slavery to Freedom,

Darkness to Light


Death to life’.

This we ask in the Gracious and Mighty Name of Jesus the Christ.    
