
Chile Forest Fires

For the past two weeks, Chile has been battling forest fires in various regions throughout the country. This situation escalated such that the government declared a state of emergency last week.

Bishop Pedro Correa Montecinos, of the Methodist Church in Chile, has sent us the following update:

I am sure you are aware of the difficult situation we are experiencing in Chile due to the fires that have affected different regions in our country.  We are in the midst of a very critical emergency. What started off as forest fires soon expanded, reaching houses, and affecting hundreds of families. This is a very painful situation.

Please Pray

Lord, we bring before you the country of Chile at this moment in time. We remember with concern all those who have been affected by the fires. We mourn over the damage to the fauna and flora, and over the loss of human life. We give thanks for the dedication and solidarity of firefighters from Chile and surrounding countries who are battling to bring the fires under control. Strengthen their hands Lord, and be with the Methodist Church in Chile as it seeks to do what it can to help alleviate the suffering. Amen.