
Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) report

The year 2022 was to a large extent characterised by the largest refugee movement in Europe since the Second World War The Russian aggression on Ukraine forced millions to flee the country in addition to those who were internally displaced. The countries of the European Union within a few weeks unanimously activated the Temporary Protection Directive – a step which Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) had called for immediately after the war had started. Most of the estimated 7 million who had at the peak of this refugee movement been displaced westwards found initial reception in neighbouring countries. A progressively increasing number moved further westwards, others moved back to Ukraine.

Read CCME’s full report here 

Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) is the ecumenical agency on migration and integration, refugees and asylum, and against racism and discrimination in Europe. CCME members are Anglican, Orthodox, Protestant and Pentecostal Churches, Councils of Churches and diaconal agencies in presently 19 European countries. CCME cooperates with the Conference of European Churches (CEC) and the World Council of Churches (WCC) in advocacy for migrants', refugees' and minority concerns and rights with European institutions, and in promoting integration and anti-discrimination.

For more information visit the CCME website