
From Birmingham to the Bahamas!

In 2023 some young people from the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and America’s visited 3generate and were hosted in the Birmingham district after the visit. In return 3 young people from the Birmingham district were funded by the World Mission Fund to visit and experience the MCCA Youth Encuentro in 2024, a gathering of Methodist young people from around the Caribbean that happens every five years.

Encuentro arrival

Above Charlotte, Kelisha and Grayce warmly welcomed by MCCA members.

Why we chose to go, what we expected or hoped to get out of the trip

Kelisha: I chose to go on the MMCA youth conference (Encuentro) trip in the Bahamas because I was intrigued to see the similarities and differences between how we worship in the Methodist church in the UK, in comparison to how worship is done in the Caribbean Methodist churches. I was hoping to come out if the trip with lots of new experiences to share with my congregation- as well as becoming closer to God within my journey of faith.

Grayce: I chose to go on this trip to the Bahamas for the MMCA youth conference, Encuentro, because I was eager to learn about different cultures and worship practices. It was my first opportunity to be immersed in another culture during worship and I hoped this would strengthen my faith and help me create a deeper connection with God.

Charlotte: The opportunity arose for me to go to Encuentro and I was keen to go and experience church in the Caribbean, not only to learn from it but to be a part of the worship myself. I was also keen to experience and understand more of the church structures and the way that youth work is woven in in the MCCA and see what we can learn when compared to the British Methodist Church.

What happened, what were the highlights?


Grayce: During the trip, we participated in various workshops on finance, mental health, and native straw making- which was my favorite! We worshiped in local churches, experiencing joyful services filled with music and dancing. The impromptu singing and worship sessions were particularly memorable and in true fashion of Caribbean flexibility!

Kelisha: We attended multiple services which included praising God through lots of song, as well as a very concentrated and focused sermon given by multiple reverend’s and pastor’s! One of my highlights would definitely be the community outreach program we took part in; where I got to meet some lovely amazing children from Nassau, and I had the opportunity to talk and play with them in the local playground- while also participating in giving water bottles to those who needed them.

Charlotte: The beautiful scenery, weather and access to the beach from our hotel were definitely highlights allowing for space and time to relax and reflect amid the times of rich learning, cultural experiences (and sometimes shocks) and fellowship. I took part in a choir workshop over 3 days and enjoyed learning new songs, including the Encuentro 2024 theme tune, and making a joyful noise. There was so much singing throughout the week, both impromptu and planned, which I loved! I also enjoyed learning about MCCA Youth and participating in their sessions, learning about what was important to young people and how local churches were being challenged and encouraged to work with young people and young adults.

What are the take home things from Encuentro?

Grayce: I learned a lot about the high-spirited, energised worship culture in the Bahamas and surrounding islands as well as the importance of community and joy in worship. The experience deepened my faith in the way of opening my mind to many new ways to experience God and expanding my understanding of global Methodist practices.

Kelisha: I look forward to sharing with my congregation the different ways of praising God, and how to make our services more lively! One thing I noticed that was very prominent within the church services in the Bahamas, was how together the congregation was, and how community is such an important element within their worship. I am very excited to bring this all back home with me to immerse my church in the Caribbean Methodist culture.

Charlotte: Encuentro filled me with hope. Being surrounded by enthusiastic young adults all using their gifts to take part was inspiring, as well as the encouragement of one another even if something didn’t go to plan. I think we can get a bit bogged down with perfection and what others think, so it was refreshing to be a part of such an encouraging and supportive environment with the chance to ‘have a go’.

What are we going to do in our churches as a result of the experience?

Kelisha: Part of my agenda to sharing my experience with my congregation at South Yardley Methodist Church is to host a coffee morning after a service to talk with my church members what I experienced, while showing lots of pictures and pamphlets that I collected while I was on our trip.

Grayce: I plan to share my experiences with my local church, Collycroft Methodist Church, and introduce some of the joyful worship elements I experienced, like the music and dancing. I also brought home a souvenir tambourine

Charlotte, Grayce and Kelisha

for the Sunday School children. The worship in the Caribbean was full of energy and music and I am glad to both physically and spiritually bring some of that joyful noise home!

Charlotte: The pure joy that came from being, learning and worshiping together is something that will stay with me. The idea of worship being something we give to God whether it is perfect and polished or not has been something that has struck me. I am keen to take the feeling of encouragement and support back with me so that I can have more confidence in having a go, and to be that encouraging and supportive person for others to try something new or to take part in a way they might not have done before. We’ll also be sharing more of our experiences with local churches and with the District Synod. (Image: Charlotte, Grayce and Kelisha)

This Encounter experience was funded by generous giving to the World Mission Fund. To support the fund for this and other life changing experiences and grants – please visit World Mission Fund - Methodist Church

To apply for Encounter Worldwide visit - Encounter Worldwide - Methodist Church