
Global Mission Fellows Commissioning - Ireland 2022


I am Ricardo Escobar a Global Mission Fellow serving in the hostel for homeless men in the City of Derry, Northern Ireland. I am serving as an Awareness Officer and I originate from El Salvador a small country in Latin America.  I recently shared in a commissioning service with other Global Mission Fellows and UMC Missionaries based in Europe.

Pictured from left to right being commissioned are:  Benjamin Rose, Global Mission Fellow, Event and wave program coordinator Portrush, Northern Ireland, Isabel Mbako Matshik, Global Mission Fellow, Event and wave program coordinator, Portrush, Northern Ireland, Erick Hunter, Global mission fellow, Wesley Chapel and Leysian Mission, London, Ricardo Escobar, Global Mission Fellow, Awareness Officer in Hostel for homeless Men in Derry, Northern Ireland, Rev. Krista Suzane, UMC Missionary, Pastor for international ministry with La siesta Evangelical Church in Alicante, Spain, Rev. Eliad Dias dos SantosUnited Methodist Missionary Ministry in Rome, Italy

Being a missionary is one thing that I always felt some passion to do. The year 2020 put us in our own isolated places and it was a time of reflection for me where I finally decided to be attentive to the call of God and offer to become a missionary.

Being a Global Mission Fellow is one of the most fulfilling things that I have done in my entire life. When I started with the program I attended a lot of training online. During lockdown everything was online at that time and there were some technology challenges but finally I completed the requirements and travelled to my placement with the Methodist Church in Ireland.

(The Global Mission Fellow programme is partly financed by the World Mission Fund - please support this work here.)

As all of my mission colleagues we were also adapting to our placements the commission event was so exiting to me because it was the first chance to see each other in a physical space. We were in many sessions during the whole process but in different countries and continents. We had heard each other just through the technology.


During the event in our initial praying I felt so blessed to be with those people and that we finally were together to worship Almighty God.

Mathew 18:20

“Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them.”

Worshipping God together was a highlight that I still feel in my heart every time when I remember the event. Praying, singing, smiling, and getting to know each other more definitely made me feel part of a bigger group together.

Ephesians 4:3

“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

After the event I came back to my mission placement with more energy and feeling of support through the amazing time that we had together in the Europe Commissioning Event.  I am so happy to continue my mission and worship God.


To learn more about how you can become a Global Mission Fellow - click here.