
Kenya Floods Report

Men holding hands in prayer
The Methodist church in Kenya humanitarian team praying before starting the distribution of relief food at Garrisa police station in April 2024

WMF sends support to Flood Devastated region of Kenya.

Last year, floods devastated large areas of the Tana River Valley in the eastern coastal region of Kenya displacing tens of thousands of people. The World Mission Fund send a grant of £20,000 to help with the relief efforts undertaken by the Relief and Development Committee of the Methodist Church in Kenya.

They have reported:

“The Methodist church in Kenya takes this opportunity to sincerely thank the Methodist church in Britain on behalf of all the floods beneficiaries who received relief food from the donation received from the Methodist church in Britain in December 2023. It went a long way towards helping the most vulnerable floods victims in Tana River Garisa and Wajir counties.

The relief food was distributed to 4680 beneficiaries {1,170 households} within the three counties of Tana River, Garissa and Wajir. Local Methodists worked with community leaders to identify the most affected vulnerable people, including people with disabilities, the aged, those with terminal illnesses, young mothers and the poorest in the areas most affected by the severe flooding. Items distributed included maize, beans, soya corn blend for porridge salt, soap, and cooking oil.

The community response was very encouraging with many community members and chiefs saying that it was the first time that they had ever received so many items and in such large quantities. Many of the beneficiaries had not eaten for days and many were Muslim and were openly thankful to the Methodist Church in Kenya for sourcing this support.

One elderly woman said that for the last three weeks she had only been able to feed her three grandchildren one meal every two days because she was not sure where to get any other food after all her farm crops and properties were swept by floods. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she thanked the Methodist church for providing her with enough food for her family.

In the Spring, new extensive floods displaced thousands more people and the World Mission Fund were able to send a second grant to help those who have lost everything. Read the full report here

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