

Zimbabwe, once the bread basket of Africa and a beacon of peace in the early 1980s has turned into being a begging country. The economic situation has become so bad such that many families cannot afford to purchase their daily necessities. This coupled by lack of rain, shortage of fuel and cash in banks and a high unemployment rate has led these often peaceful people into embarking on a stay away mainly triggered by the recent rise of fuel.

These protests started peacefully but ended up being violent and roads were blocked, property damaged and burnt by unruly elements who had their own hidden agendas.

In trying to contain the situation, the government used unorthodox ways which left a number of people dead or seriously injured. Some of those who were arrested were beaten while on handcuffs. Most people were abused.

We call upon those protesting to uphold law and order and avoid destruction of property and looting, the government to respect the rights of the people even those under arrest and awaiting trial. We mourn with those who lost their loved ones and pray for those who were injured or even lost property and businesses.

We pray for dialogue which is sincere from the ruling party, all the opposition parties, church, civic organisations and any peace-loving individuals. We also pray for the police and soldiers to value the sanctity of life and safeguard human dignity.

We pray for protection of the marginalised and the (disabled, poor, elderly, children and women) who are suffering from what is happening now.

We pray for the church to have a united voice, be prophetic and bring hope and assurance to the whole nation. We also pray for calm at a time such as this knowing that God is in control.


Revd Cleopas Sibanda Revd – Minister Birmingham Circuit and MCZF-UK National chaplain