
Protests in Colombia

Mass protests have been taking place all over Colombia since 21 November. The Colombian people have been protesting against the current government of President Ivan Duque on a number of issues that are affecting Colombian society. These include crippling student debt, the killing of over 700 local social activists and indigenous leaders since the beginning of 2019, widespread corruption, police, military and paramilitary brutality and the perceived inability of the current government to implement the 2016 peace accords with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (the FARC).  While the protests were peaceful at the start, we are now seeing scenes of violence and confrontation in our media.


Bishop Luis Andres Caicedo Guayara of the Colombian Methodist church has said the following: “We thank you for your concern for our church. The church in Bogota is doing well although there have been some difficulties with the police and military in the city. The protests are carrying on and are mostly peaceful.  We are praying to God that there will be a solution soon. There have been protests in cities all over the country, and while there has been some violence, our churches and Methodist members have not been affected. We thank you for being alongside us in prayer.”


A prayer for Colombia

 'I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.'  Isaiah 43:19 (NRSV)


lac-children-in-bogota-preparing-protest-posters-nov-2019-2Our God, who makes a way where there seems to be no way,


We lift up before you the nation of Colombia. We pray that there will be a stop to the violence that is trying to disrupt peaceful protests by thousands of Colombians across the nation.


We pray that the government will have ears to hear the cry of the people it represents.

We pray that all sections of Colombian society will be able to have their say without fear of reprisals.


We ask that your justice and equity for all people would take precedence, and that you will give the government and social leaders the opportunity to come together in dialogue to build a nation where your justice and truth prevail over corruption and inequality.


We pray for the Colombian Methodist Church and its members as they continue to serve the most vulnerable and marginalised in their local communities. We pray that you would continue to use them as a voice for the voiceless in Colombia, and as makers of peace during these turbulent times.


In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.