
We asked our World Church Partners and Methodist Women in Britain – “What does Kingdom Growth look like where you are?’

Our prayer is that as you read these stories of what God is doing, even through the challenges, you will be inspired in prayer and faith to step out in mission.  Be that across the street or across the world.


Rt. Rev Mark Ngobeh, Representative to Conference and Presiding Bishop of The Methodist Church Sierra Leone

“Kingdom growth is basically the mission guided by the scriptures and handed over by our founding fathers.  It is about God’s rule in the hearts of his people at all times.  It is about the sovereignty which Christ exercises through the preaching of his word, and the operation of the Holy Spirit in the lives of his people.  At the individual level, it is the sovereignty of grace, peace and love in the heart of a person. 

At the centre of kingdom growth in Sierra Leone, is the person of Jesus Christ who has established his church (Matt. 16:18).  He has revealed to us the kingdom of God in his life, ministry, death, resurrection and out pouring of the Holy Spirit on all believers who are born again (John 3: 3).

Presently the church is engaged in, activities to reach our members, weekly radio worship broadcasts, television communion services, ecumenical networking. We are in high level collaboration with our partners and relevant Government agencies and stakeholders across and beyond the country. You-Tube, Whats App and other technology are used to bring hope to the people. In conclusion, the church continues to reach out in creative ways to its members and all people with the Grace of God.” 


“In the past 18 months the Epworth & Scunthorpe Circuit has seen the formation of 6 Bereavement Support Groups based at churches across the circuit. The groups are run by church members, who have all attended training in bereavement care awareness, they are facilitated by a trained circuit minister and church member. The groups open their doors each month offering tea, cake and a listening ear to anyone who needs it. Relationships are being formed and the value of these groups to support people in every stage of bereavement was evident before the recent crisis. Going forward further links with the local hospice, CRUSE and local funeral directors are being explored, as well as with the local authority to ensure people can be signposted to this work offered freely by the local churches involved.”


“In December 2019 a young tall curly haired Irish man with an impish smile joined our church as a Children’s Youth and Family worker. He was like a breath of fresh air. In the three months he has been with us he engaged all the older people, visited and been involved with all the Youth Organisations and tried to encourage them to feel part of the Church. He is working hard at welcoming those who share our building but don’t feel part of our family drawing them into one community.

Our Sunday Bite Size Service twice a month serves a simple meal for families who use Dan’s Den our children’s activity centre and continues to grow with 40+. Once a month we have a Smiles Service for children with autism. It’s chaotic but a privilege to be part of their world for an hour. Our family is growing in God’s love and as a Church Family old and young we are involved in and support all this work.”