
Peru is in the midst of a political, economic and health crisis. It has suffered the brunt of COVID-19 more than most countries in the world, despite enforcing an early and long lockdown. The former president of the country, Martin Vizcarra, was impeached on charges of corruption on Monday 9 November. Those loyal to Mr Vizcarra and those who simply want stability in a time of national crisis organised protests around the country which turned violent as the former speaker of Congress Manuel Merino replaced Mr Vizcarra. Clashes between protestors and the police have led to the deaths of two young people, hundreds of injured protesters and some protestors that cannot be accounted for. Following these clashes, Mr Merino has resigned and the presidential seat is currently vacant.

The Methodist Church in Peru have issued the following statement in relation to the current social and polical unrest taking place in their country, read more here.

Please pray for Peru:

Father who is God over all the nations of the earth, we thank You for the nation of Peru.

We lift up this nation before Your throne of grace and ask that You remove the impasse caused by the vacant presidency.

We ask that You give the decision-makers and the future president the wisdom to act with justice and righteousness and deliver the people of Peru that are currently being robbed of strong leadership and governance during this time of national crisis.

We pray for peace between all peoples, that every citizen may have the grace and heart to work together for the common good.

We pray that the interim government  and Congress will work together develop strategies and policies that will lift the country out of the health and economic crisis.

We pray for free and fair elections in April 2021, and that there would be a peaceful transition in government in July 2021.

We thank You for the witness of the Methodist Church in Peru and we pray that they would continue to be the salt of the earth in the midst of troubling and challenging times for the nation.

In Jesus’ name we pray.
