
Statement on Peace in Africa and forum on people of African descent from the All African Conference of Churches

Two important statements have been received from the All African Conference of Churches (AACC), a partner of the Methodist Church in Britain.  The Statement on Peace in Africa reflects on the current insecurity in a number of African countries.  The other statement reflects on the establishment of a permanent forum on people of African descent by the UN.  You can read portions of both statements below and follow the links for the full statements.


We, the members of the General Committee of the All-Africa Conference of Churches met in Nairobi, Kenya from 17th – 19th November 2021 considered the increasing deteriorating situations of insecurity in a number of African countries and we express our profound worries. Having been reminded by our call as peacemakers by God of peace who obligated us to work for peace and justice, we CALL on all duty-bearers in Africa to commit to the causes of justice and peace. 

AACC issued this day 19th November 2021, Nairobi, Kenya

Read the full statement here



The General Committee of the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) welcomes with profound appreciation the UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/ 75/314 that formally operationalizes the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent as a consultative mechanism and a dialogue platform for improving the safety and quality of life and livelihoods of people of African descent.

Unfortunately, People of African descent continue to face racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerances. Africans have for centuries been victims of enslavement, racism, racial discrimination and brutal colonialism including apartheid. Their dignity continues to be violated even in contemporary age. This must stop. It is our hope that this Resolution will address unjust structures and systems that perpetuate all forms of injustices against people of African descent.

We are always reminded that humanity is created in God’s own image. We are all equal in dignity and rights and have the potential to contribute constructively to the development and well-being of all creation. Any notion of racial supremacy is morally wrong and socially unfair, and we reject it unreservedly. We continue to do our part in speaking up, and trust God with renewed belief in the spirit and letter of the Resolution for a just society where people of diverse races live with dignity and in peace.

Genesis 1: 27 “So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

AACC Issued this day 19th November 2021, Nairobi, Kenya

Read the full statement here