
The HOPE centre in Latvia - Challenges of COVID-19

Gita Binane, director of Hope Center in Latvia, sent Global Relationships this update on their work during COVID-19.  

"The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it many challenges.  The need to isolate the mothers and children proved quite challenging.  The Centre workers had to be more vigilant and ensure that social distancing and hand washing was observed as much as possible.  The surfaces continually had to be disinfected. Mothers with learning disabilities had to be gently reminded and explained anew the reason for the new rules.  Financially, the unexpected cost of disinfectants and extra food put a sizeable stress on the budget. 

The pandemic made us realize how important the ministry is to mothers with learning disabilities, and their children.  The Centre was able to ensure that they were kept as safe as possible. They had to be continually reminded of the need and the seriousness. 

Over the years, the constituency of the Centre has changed dramatically. At the moment, all of the mothers living at the Centre have learning disabilities in different degrees of severity. There are no mothers that cannot take care of their own basic physical needs, but all have difficulties in assuming accountability for their actions, planning, and fulfilling their obligations. They all must be trained to remember to put their child’s welfare as a priority. Some, who have been at the Centre for a while are now capable of working outside the Centre. Problems arise if the employer loses patience.

There is a huge shortage of facilities willing to work with these mothers and lately the Hope Centre seems to be the top candidate for placement. This has certainly brought many challenges to the ministry.

The COVID-19 pandemic required great vigilance. The presence of babies and children put the Centre under great scrutiny by the government. The Centre was closed to all visitors and the mothers and children had access only to the grounds of the Centre. This meant much more work for me.  I had to do all shopping and transporting of clients to their medical appointments, the staff had to enforce the restrictions and new rules.

The everyday challenges associated with teaching and reteaching the mothers and keeping peace before the pandemic all paled by comparison.

But despite all these challenges, the support from Fund for Mission in Europe helps us to continue this important ministry among mentally challenged mothers and their children."

 The Hope Centre is supported by the Fund for Mission in Europe read more here.