
The Queen : Messages and Condolences from Partner Churches and Organisations

12 September 2022

Hoy supimos la noticia del deceso de la Reina Elizabeth II, una persona muy importante en la vida del Reino Unido y muy respetada y amada por muchas personas del mundo. Nuestro pésame a ustedes como pueblo y nuestro mejor deseo y oración de que el Señor los sostenga y vuelva a levantar como una gran potencia cristiana y evangelizadora.

Dios les bendiga.

Today we learned the news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, a very important person in the life of the United Kingdom and highly respected and loved by many people around the world. Our condolences to you as a people and our best wishes and prayers that the Lord will sustain you and raise you again as a great Christian and evangelizing power.

God bless you.

Pastor Raúl García de Ochoa

Minister in the Methodist Church of Mexico and Director of the John Wesley theological Seminary.


Receive Christian Greetings from Methodist church in Kenya .

We share the sad news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth 11 .Her life has Kenyan footprints . It’s brings these memories home strongly . We pray for the people of Britain as they weather the loss of the longest reigning monarch .

Bishop Joseph Ntombura

Head of the Methodist Church in Kenya.