
Tribute to Dr Mary Jefferson, a firm friend of the Methodist Conference Sierra Leone

A tribute sent from  Maude Peacock, Chairman Methodist Women's Work Council, MCSL

"The death of Dr. Mary Jefferson of Victoria Church Sheffield was received with great shock here in Sierra Leone especially with the Women's Network MCSL, through which she had established firm ties.

Representing the Methodist Church overseas division at one of our yearly conferences here in Sierra Leone in the late 90's. Mary was the guest of the Late Rev. Christian Peacock and wife Maude when conversation about the Women's Skills Training Centre started. Her passion for helping women and girls of Sierra Leone became intensified when she identified Lillian through the pinning up of the Women's Network badge at the Langborough, General Assembly of Methodist Women in 1998 in which she was invited to Sierra Leone to have been our Distinguished Guest and consequently to have given the keynote address during our 2002 convention .This convention was highly significant to us Methodist women as it ended the war we were thus having interaction with our sisters in the East after almost 11 years of war as they were beyond rebel lines. It was therefore characterized by gaity, singing and dancing and much talking and chatting. Mary went through all those mainly because of the love she had for Methodist Women that ended the war all the way in Daru about 250 kilometers from Freetown.

The Late Mary participated vigorously to Methodist Women in the Methodist jurisdiction who benefitted from her counseling and spiritual uplifting immensely after our 11years war. Her passion for helping women and girls of Sierra Leone became deeper.

She advocated vehemently for help for the girls of the skills training centre and contributed to their graduation ceremony and were even provided with "start up" kits.

Mary spent her latter years working for the empowerment of women and girls in Sierra Leone. She contributed significantly towards the following;

• Rehabilitation of the former skills training centre

• Facilitating the purchase of a bus for the Women's Network MCSL

• Facilitating donations from the products abroad from which contributed significantly to the building of the present centre.

• Facilitating funds from the GIBBS trust for the payment of workers of the centre.

In addition Mary mentored family members/children of the Women's Network MCSL. Members of Victoria Church Sheffield and Methodist Women in Great Britain, words cannot express how much we shall miss Mary. May we be comforted by the fact that "all the world a stage, all the men and women merely players".

Mary had played her role well whilst on stage, immensely helped by her husband Derek and the women of Sheffield District.

Mary also contributed to our knowledge on the roots of Methodism by taking us to the home of the Wesley's in Epworth. Guests of Sierra Leone toured the whole building as well as the grave site of the Wesley's.

We have resolved to name the newly built skills training centre the JEFFERSON'S CENTRE.

On behalf of the Methodist Conference Sierra Leone and specifically the Women's Network MCSL I extend heartfelt sympathy to the Children Debbie and Ruth the grandchildren, other members of the family - her  brother the farmer, members of Victoria Church Sheffield particularly the Women of Sheffield District and the Methodist Women in Britain.

We pray that her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed Rest in Perfect Peace.

                SADLY MISSED by the Women's Network MCSL


Thanksgiving service for the late Dr. Mary Jefferson of Victoria Church Sheffield, a firm friend of the Methodist Women Sierra Leone will be held on Friday the 26th May, 2017 at St. John's Maroon Siaka Steven Street at 2:00p.m.

All are invited to participate in this service as we pay our last respect to one who had laboriously helped in the empowerment of Women and Girls of Sierra Leone.

White dress or network uniform are to be won.

May God bless you all."