
Update on the Crisis in Nicaragaua

 Since April of this year, there have been violent protests in Nicaragua in response to unpopular pension reforms passed by the government. These have led to the deaths of several protestors at the hands of police. It is estimated that 183 people have now died as a result of the protests, including some who were unable to get medical attention quickly enough because of roadblocks and military tanks blocking routes to hospitals.

 The protests have led to widespread vandalism and sporadic violence. In addition, businesses have made thousands of employees redundant because of the pension reforms. All these factors have led to food and fuel shortages. Local people are now acutely feeling the knock-on effects of the protests and violence.

 We are supporting our Partner Church, the Evangelical Methodist Church in Nicaragua, with a solidarity grant of 11,000 US Dollars (£8,240) to enable it to offer support to 22 church communities who are affected by the current crisis. The Church will use these funds to offer relief to churches and communities affected by the violence, redundancies and food shortages.

 The news reports that there is currently a breakdown in negotiations between the government and opposition protestors, as well as with the mediation team, which is led by the Catholic Church. Therefore, please lift Nicaragua up in prayer:

Father God,

 We lift Nicaragua up in prayer before your throne of grace. We thank you that nothing is impossible for you. Therefore, we cry out to you to bring peace to the nation; to bring a halt to the violence and to help all parties seek reconciliation and a way forward.

 We pray that you give all concerned a willing heart to do what is best for Nicaragua and its people. That the peace of Christ would prevail and cause those who are fighting each other to come together to the table of reconciliation and peace, and to map a way forward. We pray for wisdom for the leaders and authorities concerned as they negotiate together.

 We pray that there would be no more deaths as a result of these clashes, and that you would comfort those who have lost loved ones during these upsetting times. We ask that you be with our partner church as it seeks to do all it can to support its faith communities and the wider community. Give them courage and boldness to represent the love of Christ and bring encouragement, hope and peace to a situation of brokenness and violence.

 We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7 (NRSV)