
Young people in global mission at 3generate.


A global flavour came to 3generate, the Children and Youth assembly of the Methodist Church in Britain, with a visit from a group of teenagers from Samara United Methodist Church in Russia and sharing from Encounter programme and Global Mission Fellows.



The teenage group from Samara took an active part in the whole of the weekend with the support of Barry Sloan, Partnership Coordinator for Europe. 


“Communicating with believing young brothers and sisters strengthened the faith of our youth” Samara United Methodist Church, Russia group leaders


The group thanked all everyone who helped make this encounter possible and they hope to build on the relationships with their British friends.



Young Adults in Mission

3generate was also a chance for participants in Encounter Together, Encounter Together and Global Mission fellows to share their experiences.  Each of them shared about the different ways they felt God’s call to step out in to a different culture and context.  Similar themes emerged at the young people shared how God has prompted them to face challenges and experience his love and presence in a completely different culture.


Read more about the opportunity to get involved with the church worldwide on our Overseas Opportunities page.



 Top Row– Louise (Encounter Together India Leader) , Rudaviro (Global Mission Fellow from Zimbabwe). Bottom Row -Tiana (Encounter Worldwide Argentina) , Louis (Encounter Worldwide India) and Tony (Global Mission Fellow from Cambodia)