Encounter Together
The Methodist Church in Britain is running an exciting group visit programme. The aim of the programme is to facilitate opportunities for different groups within the Methodist Connexion in the UK to encounter, together, overseas partner churches and share in worship, learning and mission both with others in the group but also with Methodists and communities across the world.
Living Christianity in the Holy Land visits – postponed due to the current conflict until further notice

Living Christianity 2023
The Living Christianity visit in 2023 took place from Wednesday 18th January - Monday 30th January. This trip is different from a traditional pilgrimage to the Holy Land. You can read a report on the visit here.
Methodist Diaconal Order Pilgrimage to the Holy Land 2022
In the autumn of 2022 members of the Methodist Diaconal order visits the Holy Land. The visit was led by Deacon Angleena Keizer from the Methodist Liaison Office, Jerusalem and Deacon Helen Webster.
Palestine/Israel 2020: Living Christianity in the Holy Land
"Rev. John Howard’s vivid and compelling accounts of the Holy Land persuaded us to sign-up for the ‘Living Christianity’ tour. This is not a cosy tourist trip to the Holy Land and the experience of sharing prayer and singing in some of the most sacred Christian sites was spiritually uplifting."

India 2019
‘They got to Heathrow and didn’t want to go…now they are the ones who want to go back!’ Team Leader for South India visit.
In October 2019 a group of 10 Methodists young adults and leaders visits the Church of South India to Encounter stories of church, faith and mission.
This was a ONE Programme: Teams visit organised with Encounter Together from Global Relationships to give young people the opportunity to learn more about others, themselves and God.
While in India the team got a sense of God’s mission and the challenges faced by people there.
If you're interested in joining a future group visit email us at gr.admin@methodistchurch.org.uk
Haiti 2017
In August 2017 a group of 9 Methodist young people visited and shared their faith with young people from the Methodist Church in Haiti. The visit was jointly organized with the ONE Encounter strand of the ONE Programme and was a unique opportunity for young British Methodists to learn about God’s mission in Haiti and to get a better understanding of the challenges faced by Haitians.
The group led workshops for young people on God’s Calling; Faithfulness and Being Made in the Image of God. They also visited the memorial site for the earthquake in 2010 and they were given a chance to attend a workshop run for young people on disaster management.