
Caribbean and the Americas visit reports


Read reports of visits to the Caribbean and the Americas

Methodist Church in Mexico’s 150th Anniversary, December 2023 By Holly Adams, Evangelism & Contemporary Culture Officer

Colombia Visit Report, Jan 2023 By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for the Caribbean and the Americas 

Guatemala Visit Report, Feb-March 2022 By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

40th Conference of the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas (MCCA), June  2021 By Revd Jennifer Smith  (Superintendent Minister at Wesley’s Chapel) and Paul Spray (Chair of the World Mission Fund Grants Committee).

Argentina Visit Report, March 2020 By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

Brazil Visit Report, February 2020 By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

Chile Visit Report, October 2019

By Revd Lawrence Graham, Methodist Church in Ireland

Argentina Visit Report, October 2019

By Joan and Roy Wager, Cumbria Methodist Partnership

 Brazil Visit Report , October 2019By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

 UruguayVisit Report , October 2019By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

 CostaRica Visit Report , July 2019By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

  Guatemala Visit Report , July 2019By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

 Peru Visit Report , May 2019

By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean


Bolivia Visit Report , May 2019

By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

 MexicoVisit Report,  April 2019
By Hilary Evans,  Vice President Methodist Women in Britain


Jamaica District of MCCA Visit Report , February-March 2019By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

 Cuba Visit Report, December 2018
By Revds Stephen and Elaine Lindridge, Newcastle District


 Cuba, December 2018
By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean


 Argentina and Colombia , October 2018By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

 • Dominica and MCCA Connexional Conference, May-June 2018
By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

  Irish Methodist Presidential Visit to Chile, January 2018
By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

 • Brazil, December 2017
By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

• Panama (CIEMAL), Argentina and Bolivia, October 2017
By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

 • Council of Latin American and Caribbean Evangelical Methodist Churches (CIEMAL) Youth Assembly, October 2017
By Syntiche Dedji, World Church Relationships Partnership Support Officer
Panama, August 2017
By David FriswellSandra Lopez and Jonathan Hustler (Combined report)

 • MCCA (Costa Rica), August 2017
By David Friswell, World Church Relationships Team Leader  

• Peru, May 2017
By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean  

Bolivia, April 2017
By Sandra Goodwin, Vice-President/President MWiB 2016-2020 and Chris Thompson, Forum Representative MWiB Chester and Stoke on Trent District

• Haiti, February 2017
By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean  

 • El Salvador, February 2017
By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean 

 • Panama and Colombia, October 2016
By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean 

 • Mexico, August 2016
By Tim Annan, Methodist Church Youth President

Roundtables: Argentina and Chile, November 2015
By Rachael Varney, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

Haiti, September 2015
By Rachael Varney, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

Peru, August 2015
By Rachael Varney, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

Round Tables in Peru and Bolivia, May 2015
By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

Grenada, January 2015
By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

Haiti, January 2015
By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

Nicaragua, November 2014
By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

Haiti, September 2014
By David Friswell, World Church Relationships Team Leader

Guatemala, Jamaica & El Salvador, May 2014
By Rachael Varney, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

Nicaragua, November 2013
By David Friswell, World Church Relationships Team Leader

Bolivia, May 2013
By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

Colombia, November 2012
By Rev Thomas Quenet, Former Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

Guatemala, July 2012
By David Rock, Former Team Leader Methodist Youth and Children's Department, Methodist Church in Ireland

Central America, November - December 2011
By Rev Thomas Quenet, Former Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean

Ecuador, October - November 2011
By Sandra Lopez, Partnership Support Officer for Latin America and the Caribbean

Brazil, July 2011
By Revd David Hinchliffe, Channel Islands District