Rachel and Sylvester Deigh

Revd Dr Rachel and Revd Sylvester Deigh are Mission Partners serving a short placement with the Methodist Church the Gambia.
Sylvester is based in the connexional office working on shaping training for local preachers, probationers, and ministers.
Rachel is involved in circuit work, particularly helping to develop and strengthen the children and women ministries; and training and mentoring ordinands and preachers (lay and ordained).
They previously served the Methodist Church Sierra Leone for three years between 2021-2024 where Sylvester worked in the connexional office on the church’s strategic plan, and Rachel taught at the 'College of Theology and Management and Church Training Centre' in Freetown. Both Sylvester and Rachel served in separate Circuits in Freetown and were active ministers in their churches. They made a vital contribution to the life of the Methodist Church in Sierra Leone.
Please pray for Sylvester and Rachel and the Methodist Church the Gambia. All Mission Partners are financed through the World Mission Fund, to give your support click here.