Global Relationships E-Newsletter
Click on the links in red below to read our Global Relationships E-Newsletter to read the latest news on the work of the Church around the world and how your donations to the World Mission Fund have been spent.
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Summer 2022 Tonga Volcano response, Twinning East Anglia and Harare West, Amazon Hospital Boat, Sri Lanka crisis and grants, Sri Lanka Appeal, Partnership Coordinator Blog from Gambia, Mission Partner updates, Video from Ukraine/Poland, Spain and Germany, Church Twinning Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District to Rwanda visit, Conference fringe event, a new era for grant making, resources and MWM conference.
Spring 2022 Ukraine prayers, appeal and resources, new Partnership Coordinator for Africa, new 3generate Global Church youth rep, Global Mission Fellows, Mission Partner updates from Ecuador and Sierra Leone, Mike Long on sabbatical in Sri Lanka, grant reports from Churches of North and South India, and a new church building in Hungary.
Winter 2021 Christmas greetings from the World Council of Churches, Interview with Angleena Keizer, Global Mission Fellows, Climate Justice for All, Global Church Youth Reps, New Mission Partners and Mission Partner updates.
Autumn 2021 'Faith in Action: Partnership in Mission on the road to COP26' event, Mission Partners, News from Cuba, Cameroon, Haiti, Myanmar and Germany, A blog from Meg 'Why should global church matter to young people?' and much more.
Summer 2021 Mission Partners Anne Baldwin and Fiona Kendall, CIEMAL evangelist - Fabio Vilela, Climate Justice for All - Have Your Say events, Global Church Youth Reps, Twinning during the pandemic, Conference fringe
Spring 2021 Mission partners: Barry and Gillian Sloan and Fiona Kendall, Mozambique, Cuba, Climate Justice for All, Global Church 3-gen reps.