Faith and Order statements
Statements and Reports of the Methodist Church on Faith and Order Volume One 1933 - 1983
Individual reports from Volume 1
The Church
The Nature of the Christian Church (1937)
Entry into the Church
Memorandum on Infant Baptism (1936)
Statement on Holy Baptism (1952)
Parents and Infant Baptism (1966)
Ministers in Full Connexion and Baptism (1975)
A Service in Lieu of Infant Baptism (1976)
Conversion and Baptism: the Pastoral Problems (1981)
Conversion and Baptism: Suggested Guidelines (1982)
Report on Church Membership (1961)
The Use of the Term 'Confirmation' (1962)
Dual Membership (1970)
Reception of Members from Other Communions (1970)
Joint Confirmation Services (1976)
The Lord's Supper
Lay Administration of the Sacraments (1946)
Dispensations to Administer the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper (1960)
Holy Communion (1966)
Lay Administration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper (1975)
Authorisation to Preside at the Lord's Supper (1976)
Children and the Sacrament of Holy Communion (1973)
Children and the Sacrament of Holy Communion (1975)
Blessing Children at Holy Communion (1978)
Women and the Ministry (1933)
Women and the Ministry (1939)
Ordination in the Methodist Church (1960)
Ordination (1974)
Dual Ordination (1974)
The Deaconess Order (1960)
The Status of Deaconesses and the Admission of Women to the Ministry (1961)
The Place and Functions of a Local Preacher (1964)
Confidentiality and Pastoral Care (1980)
Church Unity
Reply to the Lambeth 'Outline of a Reunion Scheme' (1939)
Local Schemes of Union (1966)
Full Communion with Other Churches (1968)
Full Communion (1970)
Methodism and Episcopacy (1978)
Episcopacy in the Methodist Church (1981)
Episcopacy and Methodist Doctrinal Standards (1982)
Response to the Edinburgh 'Affirmation of Union' and Proposed World Council of Churches (1938)
The Third World Conference on Faith and Order, Lund (1952)
Other Faiths
Use of Trust Premises (1972)
Inter-Faith Marriages (1972)
Relations with People of Other Faiths (1983)
A Fixed Easter (1965)
The Charismatic Movement (1974)
Exorcism (1976)
Exorcism (1977)
Statements and Reports of the Methodist Church on Faith and Order Volume Two 1984 - 2000 : Parts One and Two
Volume Two: Part One complete
Volume Two: Part Two complete
Individual reports from Volume 2: Parts 1 and 2
The Church
Called to Love and Praise (1999)
Entry into the Church
Christian Initiation (1987)
Infant Baptism and Ministerial Discipline (1988)
Recognition, Reception and Confirmation (1992)
Recognition, Reception and Confirmation (1993)
The Lord's Supper
Lay Presidency at the Lord's Supper (1984)
The Granting of Authorisations to Preside at the Lord's Supper to People in 'Missionary Situations' (1985)
The Granting of Authorisations to Preside at the Lord's Supper to People other than Ministers (1986)
The Sunday Service - Great Prayer of Thanksgiving (1990)
Lay Authorisation (1994)
Authorisations to Preside at the Lord's Supper (1996)
Children and Holy Communion (1987)
Children and Holy Communion (2000)
Extending Communion (1984)
The Ministry of the People of God (1986)
The Ministry of the People of God (1988)
Criteria for the Transfer of Ministers (1993)
Ecumenical Ordination (1996)
The Methodist Diaconal Order (1993)
The Methodist Diaconal Order (1995)
The Diaconate (1997)
Recognition of Order of Local Preachers (1996)
Commitment to Mission and Unity (1998)
Extended Membership (1992)
Extended Membership (2000)
Worship in Local Ecumenical Partnerships (1999)
Episcopacy (1998)
Episkope and Episcopacy (2000)
British Methodist Response to the Lima Text (1985)
Ut Unum Sint (1997)
Ut Unum Sint (1998)
Other Faiths
Multi-Faith Worship (1985)
The Use of the Methodist Premises by Other Faith Communities (1997)
Guidelines for Inter-Faith Marriages (2000)
Inclusive Language
Masculine Terms in the Methodist Service Book (1984)
The Generic Use of the Word 'Man' (1987)
Inclusive Language (1989)
Inclusive Language and Imagery about God (1992)
Guidance to Methodists on Freemasonry (1985)
Freemasonry (1996)
Mormon Use of Methodist Archives (1988)
The Status of the Unborn Human (1990)
The Status of the Unborn Human (1991)
The Filioque Clause (1990)
Methodist Doctrine and the Preaching of Universalism (1992)
Human Sexuality (1993)
The New Age Movement (1994)
The Toronto Blessing (1996)
The Role of the Vice President in Ordination Services (1996)
A Lamp to my Feet and a Light to my Path (1998)
Towards a Common Date for Easter (1999)