Spirituality of Conflict
Reading the Gospels through the lens of conflict
We all face conflict on a daily basis, in our homes, workplaces and communities. An online resource, Spirituality of Conflict, has been launched by a number of church organisations that seeks to recognise and learn from that conflict.
The gospel texts are replete with dynamics of conflict: occupation; internal conflicts; about the inclusion of others; about the role of leadership; and the role of popular voices. To be a person of faith, it is worthwhile having a spirituality that addresses how we live while conflict is ongoing. This new resource speaks to this need.
The Spirituality of Conflict website www.spiritualityofconflict.com publishes reflections on the Sunday gospel readings in the 3-year lectionary cycle of the church. The reflections explore the themes of conflict within the gospels and offer questions and commentary for private reading, group discussions and public worship. Whilst most of the content will be connected to the revised Common Lectionary, some will relate to occasions throughout the year - everything from St Patrick's Day to World AIDS Day. All of the content is free to download, use and share with others.
As well as offering support to those who follow the lectionary, the resource offers gospel reflections along thematic lines, including: Anger, Forgiveness, Conflict Skills, Violence, Prejudice, Justice and Truth. By exploring gospel readings through such lenses, the project supports those whose eyes are focused both on the gospels and the contemporary world.
Spirituality of Conflict was developed from an initial idea by Pádraig Ó Tuama, former leader of the Corrymeela Community working with The Iona Community, The Mission & Discipleship Council of The Church of Scotland, Irish School of Ecumenics, Place for Hope and the Coventry Centre for Peace and Reconciliation of the Church of England. In 2017, writers from the Bible Society (Northern Ireland) and the Methodist Church in Britain joined the writing team. The contributions reflect the Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian and Pentecostal backgrounds of the participants who have created a truly ecumenical resource.
For more information visit www.spiritualityofconflict.com
‘What were you arguing about along the way? Gospel Reflections for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week and Easter’, is a book of reflections from the writers of Spirituality of Conflict. Edited by Pat Bennet and Introduced by Pάdraig Ó Tuama (2021), and published by Canterbury Press.
About the writing group:
Beginning in 2016, it has been important for the writers to develop reflections in the context of friendship, scholarship and discussion. Sharing stories and experiences over meals, conversation and discussion, often through residentials when times have allowed. The reflections will soon have completed the second cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary. Primary funding came from the JVM Trench Will Trust. Additional funding came from the Mission and Discipleship Council of the Church of Scotland and the Community Relations Council of Northern Ireland.