In response to Our Calling, Methodist people are to help others to grow and learn as Christians, through mutual support and care. Who Cares? is a series of four 2-hour sessions that introduces participants to the possibilities of pastoral care – creating appropriate environments and developing practices that welcome, support and care for others in their role. It draws on insights and underpinning knowledge in the areas below:
Session 1: Introducing Pastoral Care
Session 2: Welcome and Hospitality in Pastoral Care
Session 3: Listening and Prayer in Pastoral Practice
Session 4: Care in Difficult Times and Self-care in Pastoral Practice
The course is for anybody with a passion for pastoral care, whether you have an official role in this capacity or not.
How can the course be used?
The course can be downloaded here and led locally or online. The comprehensive facilitator notes, with accompanying resources, means that you are ready to go straight away, even if you have not led a group like this before. Although each session builds on the last in terms of content they can also work as standalone sessions.
The Learning Network also run two online versions of the course a year, as well as book group that brings people together to reflect on an influential book on the subject. More details about these can be found here.