Further advice and information

If you would like to discuss any wellbeing issues, please contact Linda Robotham or Josephine Lawrence Wellbeing Advisers on wellbeing@methodistchurch.org.uk or 020 7467 5192 / 020 7467 3762.
Useful websites
Business in the Community - www.bitc.org.uk
This organization has some very useful research on wellbeing from a business perspective.
Churches' Ministerial Counselling Service - http://www.cmincs.net
This subsidised service is available to all ministers and their adult family members. Feedback from those who have used the service consistently states that it is a highly valued resource for ministers and their families.
Working Families - www.workingfamilies.org.uk
Lots of useful information for working families, including issues relating to tax credits, childcare, work life balance.
The Work Foundation - www.theworkfoundation.com
This organization carries out research on a wide range of work related issues, including staff motivation and engagement, and work life balance.
Sheldon. Independent interdenominational support for people in ministry and/or spouses. Retreats and good space for regular use and at times of stress, crisis, burnout or breakdown. Sheldon, Sheldon Lane, Doddiscombsleigh, Exeter EX6 7YT. 01647-252752. www.sheldon.uk.com
Free and confidential mutual support online, plus learning resources and signposting to lots more of use to people in ministry. The Sheldon Hub – doing healthy ministry together. www.sheldonhub.org
The National Health Service - www.nhs.uk
This website has a vast amount of information about health and wellbeing, along with information about major illnesses and medical conditions.
The Health and Safety Executive - www.hse.gov.uk
This website has some useful information on practical issues such as dealing with stress.
Moodgym - www.moodgym.anu.edu.au/welcome
Coping with anxiety, low mood and depression. This site has some useful tools and tips on coping with these issues, although it is not a substitute for appropriate professional medical advice.
Government consultation on national wellbeing - the Government has been consulting individuals and organisations about what constitutes wellbeing on a national level. You can find out more here.