An Office365 subscription for all Methodist Ministers, to support with your mission and ministry each day.
As part of a Memorial to the Methodist Conference in 2023, the Connexional Team has made available a free Office365 subscription to all Methodist Ministers. This combines an official email address along with other Microsoft tools, to support your mission and ministry.
This subscription, provided for free by the Connexional Team, includes features such as:
- A email address
- Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), to keep your emails secure and comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) etc.
- Access on your computer, tablet or mobile devices
- Use of other Microsoft applications like Word, Excel and Teams
- Automatic feature and security improvements, to keep you safe and up-to-date
Whilst this is a completely optional service, we'd encourage all Methodist Ministers to utilise it. You get access to an official email address, which provides trust for those communicating with you, as well as many different Microsoft products that can assist in your day-to-day work.
Find out more and get support
This platform is supported by a third-party called Aspira Cloud.

Current timeline for migration to new Office365 platform
Friday, 18 October 2024
Ministers will receive an email asking you to set up a new password for the new email system and you will be asked to use Multi-Factor Authentication. Please note that there will still be access to the current email system at this point.
Please note that a new password MUST be set up for access to the new emails.
Sunday, 27 October 2024
Access to the new email platform (Microsoft 365) will not be available from 6pm - 6am as preparations are needed before the migration process begins. During this time, access to either the new or the old email system will not be available.
Monday, 28 October 2024
The migration of the historic email data, including the mailbox will begin. Ministers will have access to new emails and the historic data will gradually be populated over the next few days.
At this point, you will have access to new emails but access to the historic data will vary from mailbox to mailbox.
This is due to the size of each mailbox and the time needed to migrate the data across. The migration process will be carried out in alphabetical order and an email confirmation will be sent once it is complete.