(Image above courtesy of MOD)
Military Chaplains can be either Regulars or Reservists. Regulars are full-time Chaplains, while Reservists usually continue to work as a Circuit minister, whilst also providing ministry to personnel at a military base, with opportunities to join their unit on exercise and deployment.
If you are interested in Forces Chaplaincy, you may find it useful to explore each of the three military Services’ own Chaplaincy webpages at the following links (the Methodist Church is not responsible for any third party content contained at these links):
Applying for Forces Chaplaincy
Applicants for Forces Chaplaincy need to meet a number of eligibility criteria.
To meet the Methodist Church’s eligibility criteria, you will need to be one of the following:
- A Minister ordained by the Methodist Church in Great Britain. Presbyters can apply for Chaplaincy in all three services. Deacons can currently apply for Chaplaincy in the Royal Navy or RAF.
- A Minister ordained by the Methodist Church in Ireland.
- A Minister from another Church who has been granted Recognised and Regarded status.
You will also need at least three years of post-ordination pastoral experience.
The three Services each have their own slightly different eligibility criteria, which you can check by clicking through the following links for Naval, Army, and RAF Chaplaincy applicants (the Methodist Church is not responsible for any third party content contained at these links).
The discernment process to become a Chaplain (both Regular and Reservist) has several steps:
1) An initial conversation with the Secretary of the Forces Board (SFB) or their representative. NB this should be undertaken before discussions take place with the Chaplaincy Services in the Armed Forces;
2) You will be asked to complete an application form, and provide details for two nominated referees. We will also seek a reference from your Chair of District;
3) You will then be invited to an online meeting with a panel of Forces Board members. On the basis of this and your paper application, the panel will decide whether to endorse your application.
4) If you are successful, a letter of endorsement will be sent to your preferred Service. You can then apply for Chaplaincy with your preferred Service.
The SFB will keep in touch with you throughout this process, and through your career as a Chaplain.
You may find it useful to read the Forces Chaplaincy Information Pack, which provides further detail about eligibility criteria, as well as some general information about the role of a Forces Chaplain. A profile of the role has been created to give you further insight into this area of ministry. NB whilst it is based on a stationing profile template, colleagues are not stationed into this role.
Please note: at this time it is not possible to candidate directly for Armed Forces Chaplaincy. You must have served in a circuit appointment (for at least three years after ordination) in order to apply to the Forces Board.
If you would like to apply for Forces Chaplaincy, or if you have any further questions about Forces Chaplaincy and the application process, please contact:
Revd Dr Andrew Wood
The Secretary of the Forces Board
Email: SFB@methodistchurch.org.uk