
British Army Core Values artwork (The Watkins Collection)

‘The Watkins Collection’ is a series of artworks exploring the British Army’s Core Values. It was commissioned by the Methodist Church for use by Chaplains in the Royal Army Chaplains’ Department. A striking series of images by Methodist Presbyter Ric Stott, it is available to Army Chaplains in a number of formats to aid their teaching of the Army’s Values and Standards to soldiers. 

The striking images can be viewed here

Soul Man?

Soul Man? was developed to give people an opportunity to explore their beliefs on some of the key subjects of life. Using this resource Chaplains can create a safe space for discussion about what people believe and to listen to others who are doing the same.

Whilst the name was chosen because the resource was developed as a follow-on for attendees at Who Let the Dads Out? men’s groups, feedback from Chaplains who have used this resource indicates that the subjects work equally well for women in the Armed Forces and mixed delivery is possible with some re-branding.

Copies of Soul Man? are available to Armed Forces Chaplains from the NMBS at this link.       

Armed Forces Personal Wellbeing Journal

At the request of Methodist Chaplains, a 31-day Personal Wellbeing Journal was created to:

  • Be a resource for serving Chaplains to use 1-1 with serving personnel, thereby increasing the impact of their ministry
  • Provide a framework which encourages service personnel to reflect on their wellbeing, encouraging greater self-awareness which can feed into a pastoral relationship with the Chaplain
  • Indicate sources of additional help and support for those who may be struggling, including encouragement to engage immediately with the Chaplain, where necessary

Methodist Armed Forces Chaplains can order hard copies by emailing maltbyp@methodistchurch.org.uk 

A copy can be viewed by clicking on this link

Underneath It All

Front cover of a children's book showing a family waving to a departing submarine

Underneath It All is a children’s storybook specifically for the families of submariners. First written by a submariner's wife in the USA, a British version was commissioned by the Methodist Church for use by naval Chaplains. The book incorporates a specially adapted submariners’ prayer for use with children. Copies are available from chaplaincy teams at HMNB Clyde and HMNB Devonport for free distribution to submariners' families.