
The Armed Forces Covenant

As a signal of the Methodist Church’s continued commitment the President and Secretary of the Conference signed the Armed Forces Covenant in 2017.  More information about the Armed Forces Covenant is available on this Government website. (The Methodist Church is not responsible for any third party content contained at this link.) 

To help local churches and circuits to engage with the military commitment the Methodist Forces Board has produced a suite of resources which continues to grow. It is hoped that these resources:

  • equip Methodists to engage with the military communities near to them;
  • assist Methodists to pray for those who serve as Chaplains;
  • encourage Methodist people to think about ministry God may be calling them to; and
  • indicate sources of additional help and support that Methodists can signpost others to.

A range of resources to support local churches can be found here

A range of providers who specialise in support to the Armed Forces community can be found here

A range of resources to aid Methodist Chaplains to the Armed Forces can be found here