
3Generate worship resource for churches

Service outlines for any church to use before, during and after 3Generate

What about the rest of us who don’t go to 3Generate? Whether your church community is sending a group to 3Generate or not, here is a pack that will enable you to join in. It contains three worship service outlines for any church to use in the weeks before, during and after 3Generate so we can all share in the same themes across the whole Connexion, which follow the Revised Common Lectionary.

The pack contains:

  • Scripture passages – taken from the lectionary. Scripture quotations are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition.
  • Songs and hymns – some extra ideas to complement the regular suggestions from the Resources Hub and Singing the Faith.
  • Background notes – short contextual information for each specific service, exploring how the theme connects to the Bible passages.
  • Questions – these can be worked up into a sermon or used in a discussion; it’s good to give people in the congregation a chance to discuss their faith. These questions will also work in a small group.
  • Hands-on activities – fun, intergenerational activities to help make your services pop.
  • Prayerful art reflection - some thoughts using Brokenshire’s painting for contemplation.
  • The good news to get across – the key idea to land, particularly for newcomers. Say it several times, make it sticky!
  • Ways people can respond – a simple, non-threatening way for people to respond personally to the good news.
Felt toy birds
Instructions to make a toy chatterbox
Camel craft activity instructions

If you are sending a group to 3Generate:

The week before, pray for them, and ask them to tune in to what God is saying to this church community when they are there. Tell them that you are proud of them. There is a commissioning liturgy in this service plan.

During 3Generate, remember them and pray for them. You can reflect on the same passage of Scripture and connect with them across time and space!

After 3Generate, welcome them back and offer a space to hear from them, and listen well. Encourage and support the group to take a lead in planning how and what they will do and share , nurturing the gifts and skills of the children and young people taking part. Welcome the authentic voices, thoughts and reflections they bring.

If you are a congregation with children and youth who aren’t going:

Pray for the young people who are going on their behalf to represent their voices.

And consider whether next year might be the year to send a group!

If you are a congregation with no young people:

You may think this isn’t for us, but it is for the whole Connexion to engage with. Your Church does have a role to play. Maybe you might pray about the Children in your community or local schools. Or you might invite the congregation to invite children or young people, families or carers from the local community to join you for the service. It may be your neighbours, or family, or the local school. Be bold in the name of God and trust.

As we will reflect in the third service, nothing is impossible with God. We have produced resources and guidance for churches who want to build ministry with children and young people, maybe starting from scratch.

For 3Generate 2024 the overarching worship theme is “Being Wrapped Up in God.”

29 September 2024 - Before 3Generate: Small things have big consequences

6 October 2024 - During 3Generate: Wrapped up in God

13 October 2024 - After 3Generate: All things are possible

We will be using one of the pieces of the Methodist Modern Art Collection at 3Generate as a focus: John Brokenshire’s Untitled - Pentecost. This image was chosen by children and young people to focus on.