Tickets available here from the 29th April 2025
We are at the NEC Birmingham 2025 from Friday 3 to Sunday 5 October!
Event times
- Friday 3 October: Groups arrive from 7pm ( Programme starts at 7:30pm)
- Saturday 4 October: Programme starts at 9am
- Sunday 5 October: Programme starts at 9am and groups depart at 1pm
- 4-7s Area: Saturday 4 October ONLY 9am-7pm (Programme ends at 6pm)

Leaders Handbook
Please read this book in preparation for attending,
it is full of lots of information to support you in taking your
group to the event

More info on how to pay for reserved tickets
Read more about how to pay for tickets reserved online

3Generate Resources & FAQs
Safeguarding policy, school letter template, parent consent form template, Safeguarding Declaration for parents accompanying 4-7's, kit list and FAQ's
3Generate wants to make sure that everyone can join in with the whole weekend and we work with Growing Hope to help make this possible. If you, or one of your group, has any additional needs or may need support accessing the weekend, please email Jennie from Growing Hope.
There will be staff on site throughout the weekend with yellow lanyards, but we will be much more likely to provide a good level of support if we know in advance.
Please direct any booking enquiries to

Promo pack -Promote 3Generate to your youth group.
Video and poster to promote 3Generate to your church or youth group