
2024 3Gen Elections

New this year! This year children and young people who are not attending 3Generate can now vote in the 3Gen elections!

Those aged 8-18, who are connected with a Methodist Church, can vote for the Methodist Youth President and Methodist Conference Youth Rep.

Vote for Youth President & Conference Youth Rep

Read more below


Up until 2023 voting for the role of Youth President was restricted to those children and young people who attended the Methodist Children and Youth Assembly known as 3Generate. This year children and young people connected to the Methodist Church who do not attend 3Generate will also be able to vote in the Youth President and Conference Youth Rep elections.

Youth President Candidates

Dom Bevan- Hi I’m Dom and although I’m 17 what I lack in age I more than make up for with a fire for Jesus and a passion for seeing young people fully involved in every aspect of the Church. I believe that young people should feel empowered, comfortable and secure to share their growing faith in their local churches and the wider world.
Genesis Padgett- Hello, my name is Genesis. I'm a proud Yorkshire lad, 18 years old, and studying at Cliff College as a Methodist. I truly enjoy connecting with people, forging new friendships, and expanding my knowledge. My special talent is juggling, and I can't wait to share my skills. I'm eager to engage with everyone and convey your thoughts to the adults, advocating for changes we want to see across the Connexion.
Hugo Hildred -I'm Hugo, I am a 17-year-old A Level Philosophy student. I was born in Lincoln, but l've lived most of my childhood on a farm in the Yorkshire Dales. I have now moved back to Lincolnshire, where I also live on a farm. I am a keen Scouts member and I love outdoor sports. I have grown up attending the Methodist Church, but I also enjoy worshiping in other churches, such as the Church of England.
Isaac Nicholson- I'm Isaac, a 18-year-old proud Cornishman running for Methodist Youth President. I'm passionate about all types of sport, (particularly football and athletics) caring for God's natural creation and tackling injustice. I firmly believe in using these gifts to engage with young people and helping them to encounter God. My aim is to help young people understand that they genuinely can make a difference, regardless of background or gender.
Youth reps at conference in discussion

Vote as an attendee

Please can we ask that you bring together those who attended, and encourage them to once again review the information about each candidate and then to record their vote through yourself using this Form:- 3Generate Vote. Theses votes will then be added to the votes already collected from non-attending groups.

The role of the youth president is a full-time paid role and is a key position in the Methodist Connexional Team, which represents your children and young people.

We really hope that you can take time to encourage your group to vote and take the opportunity to discuss the importance of engaging with this.


Vote as an non- attendee

Voting as a non-attendee
For those children and young people not attending 3Generate the voting process will be different.
• All votes to be submitted by a group leader or by a church leader on behalf of the children and young people
• A link will be published to a simple form that will allow leaders to submit the votes on behalf of an individual Methodist church or circuit. The form will ask for the first names of the young people and record their respective votes.
• Only children and young people aged 8-18, who are connected with the Methodist Church, who are not attending the event will be able to vote using this method. The votes submitted by the leader will be subject to verification as required.
• A link to a voting page will be made available on this webpage from the 20th Sept and all votes must be submitted by 8pm on 6th October

In order to vote, please email 3Generate@methodistchurch.org.uk for the authorisation codes.

Conference Youth Rep Candidates

A step by step guide to voting as a non-attendee at 3Generate

  1. Assign a leader to liaise with the children and young people (this could be a children’s/youth group leader or other church leader or minister).
  2. Encourage the children and young people to watch the videos and read the information about the candidates
  3. Record the votes of the young people.
  4. Use the link to enter all the details onto the voting form. The leader will be asked to enter details of the church and themselves. This is so that we can verify that this is an authentic vote.
  5. When all the details are entered onto the form click submit – all the votes are now recorded.
  6. In the circumstance that we need to verify your submission you may be contacted by a member of the 3Generate team.
  7. Make sure that all votes are submitted by 8pm on 6th October. Votes can be submitted anytime between 20th Sept – 6th Oct 2024.
Dan Onyett - I am excited to be a Conference Rep as I want to represent the young people so that they have a voice in the church. I've been to Conference as a guest this year and really enjoyed it and it was lots of fun. I would like to also be able to vote especially on issues effecting young people.
Paul Ballinger Howe- I want to bring the Methodist church to the younger generation, from starting Sunday school at the age of 3, I've seen my Sunday school decrease in the numbers and I want to increase it again. To help with this I would use social media sites to help extend the knowledge of the Methodist church to the young generation and help more young people join the Methodist church.
Alex Day - The Conference Rep role is exciting as it allows me to represent young people in the Methodist church at the highest level of Methodism. I can bring good knowledge of Conference, an excitement and enthusiasm to dig into the decisions being made at the conference, and an ability to play a part in the bigger world of Methodism in the UK. I enjoy the ins-and-outs of decision making in the church, and am what some people call a Methodist nerd. I'd hope to make sure all young people's voices are represented at Conference.