This page is for students or soon-to-be students.
If you're a leader who is looking for ideas to support someone heading to university, visit our supporting students page.
Visit the Students' playlist on our Methodist Young Adult YouTube channel for top tips from students and recent graduates.
Download our Top Tips sheet for those going to university as new students.
Methodist Societies
A Methsoc is a university society of Methodist students. There are a small number of these around the country. For more information read their websites.
Your University Chaplain
Most universities have a Chaplain, who works to support students across the campus/colleges. There are a number of Methodist Chaplains who you can connect with either before you go to university or whilst you are there. They can help to link you with other faith-based student groups, or local churches or could just be someone to talk to or offer advice.
More details of Methodist Chaplains based at universities here.
Websites that might help!
Student Christian Movement
The Student Christian Movement (SCM) is a student-led movement, responding to the call of Jesus to follow him and show the love of God on campus, in our communities and in the world. SCM groups come together as an ecumenical and inclusive community, exploring faith through worship, discussion and action.
Use the SCM Connect website to help you find an SCM group that meets at your university. You can also use the site to help you find a local student-friendly church. There are quite a number of Methodist Churches listed!
UCCF is an organisation that helps support Christian Unions in colleges and universities. Their website features resources, advice for Freshers and DVD clips to provoke debate, amongst many other things! Most universities have a Christian Union, click here to find out if there is one at your university.

The vision of Fusion is to serve students and local churches as they get involved with mission in campuses and universities. They offer resources and training for students, help run small groups, as well as host a podcast. There is also a church link up function, to help you find student friendly churches near your university.
Just Love
Just Love is an organisation that wants to support and encourage Christian students to get involved in issues of social justice. Just Love has groups at various universities who are involved in campaigning, volunteering, praying and fundraising. The website lists which universities have a Just Love group, as well as advice on how to start one.
The Guy Chester Centre
Guy Chester Centre provides single study bedrooms for 120 people, half board Monday to Friday and full board at weekends. Its purpose is to provide accommodation for young people moving into London for the first time. It is owned and managed by the Methodist Church. Through the Christian faith of the staff and management team Guy Chester Centre aims to provide a safe and caring house for all our residents.
The Christian Student Guide
A blog for students by students, from a range of authors covering a number of topics including practical tips for being at Uni.
Young Minds
The mental health charity, offers some helpful advice for students.
The Mix
Offers lots of advice for those aged 16-26, with some specific areas on its website for students.
The Uni Guide
Has a wealth of resources, including this advice about preparing for uni life.