Gender diversity and pastoral support for LGBT+
In a video produced especially for The Well Learning Hub YouTube channel, Dr. Alastair Jones from Cadence Leadership explains how we can offer pastoral support to LGBT+ young people:
In this blog, written for LGBT+ History Month 2023, by two of our 3Generate-elected Youth Reps, Alex and Luca talk about their identities as LGBT+ Christians and how that informs their faith. We've suggested some questions for reflection, which you may want to use when reading the blog (download a PDF of these questions here):
- Of all the things that Alex and Luca say in the blog, what stands out to you the most?
- If you had to describe your identity, like Alex and Luca do in the blog, what would you say? Would you refer to your gender or sexuality? Is that an important part of your identity?
- Jesus’ commandment is to love God and love others as you love yourself. Are there any groups of people that you find difficult to love? What makes it difficult to love people? What makes it easy to love people?
- What do you think makes it hard for LGBT+ people to feel included in faith spaces/church communities?
- What could be done about that in your local church? And in the Methodist Church across Britain?
- What might you need to do as an individual to help LGBT+ people to feel included?
The Joined Up Conference (an ecumenical event that is supported by the Yorkshire Plus region of the Methodist Learning Network and by the Sheffield Methodist District) featured a workshop, led by Katherine Alice-Gresham on discussing LGBT+ issues with children and young people.
The Methodist Church Definition and Guidance on Homophobia is available.
From America, Building Faith (from Virginia Theological Seminary) recently published the following articles:
- Welcoming and Affirming Transgender and Gender Non-conforming Folks in our Churches
- Gender-inclusive children's ministry - where to start
And another great article from Real Kids, Real Faith:
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