Competencies for Ministry
The 2017 Conference accepted a series of competencies for different elements of ministry. These were reviewed in 2024 to reflect the impact of various Conference decisions and the priorities of the Church in recent years, notably the Strategy for Justice, Dignity and Solidarity, Changing Patterns of Ministry and the Review of Candidating, and recommended changes to the Council. The Ministries Team also checked that safeguarding was appropriately included. Further consultations have also been held with The Queen’s Foundation and The Methodist Diaconal Order. The competencies have been adapted as a result.
The competencies for each office are on the pages below.
You can also view the competencies in grid format (Pdf).
The competencies will be used in different ways:
Individual ministers are encouraged to reflect on the competencies as part of their vocational discernment: Is this what God is calling me to do? Can I offer what the church needs?
For potential Local Preachers, candidates for ordained ministry, Superintendents and Chairs, they are to guide those considering whether or not they might be called to that ministry and to assist in the task of discernment by others (formally or informally). They will also be useful in Reviews and Supervision.
For those who have been accepted for pre-ordination training, they are binding requirements against which the suitability of a student for initial stationing or a probationer for Reception into Full Connexion is assessed by the Ministerial Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee (MCPOC) and those reporting to MCPOC.
For ordained presbyters and deacons, each criterion needs to be met in their life and practice at every stage of their ministry in order that they might continue to affirm a continued sense of call in the Presbyteral Session of the Synod or the Convocation of the Diaconal Order.
Closely linked to the Competencies for Ministry is the Ministerial Covenant.
Competencies for a person requesting a note to preach
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Competencies for a person admitted as a Local Preacher
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Competencies for a Local Lay-Pastor
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Criteria for candidates for ordained ministry
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Competencies for Presbyters and Deacons ready to be stationed for the first time in the Methodist Church in Britain
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Competencies for Presbyters and Deacons ready for ordination and/or to be received into Full Connexion
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Competencies for Superintendent Ministers
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Competencies for District Chairs
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