Note that feedback forms for use at assessed services and trial services are now available on the WLP Resources page.
Training - options and alternatives
Accreditation of Prior Experience and Learning (APEL)
This process is designed for people who have previously completed a course of theological education, but have not trained as preachers. It allows previous learning to be taken into account in assessing what further study is required when embarking on local preacher training. The process is based around an online conversation, and the document includes guidance and an application form.
Welcoming Lay Preachers from other traditions
This process is for anyone who wishes to offer as a Local Preacher in the Methodist Church in Britain and who brings experience as a lay preacher in another Methodist Conference, denomination or Christian tradition. The guidance supplements Standing Order 566A. It describes the role of the Local Preachers' Meeting in working with the prospective local preacher in discerning their call, and building on their existing knowledge and experience.
This pathway takes account of the particular challenges facing those serving in the Forces, who wish to train as local preachers or worship leaders. It enables attachment to a "host circuit" with mentoring provided through the Forces' ecumenical chaplaincy network.
Training - processes and forms
Circuit Interviews for Persons On Trial
During the training process, local preachers take part in two interviews in their Local Preachers' Meeting. These are to help everyone in the important process of discerning the call of the preacher. Guidance is provided on how to conduct these interviews, including suggestions for using an Appreciative Inquiry approach.
Assessed Services for those On Trial
Assessed services form a vital part of the training for a local preacher or worship leader. These should take place once every quarter. This guidance note has information for the student and their mentor and those assessing the services, as well as describing the role of the Local Preachers' Meeting in the assessment process.
No one should be "On Trial" as a local preacher for more than five years (Standing Order 564B (1). Extensions can be granted - the decision is made by the District Policy Committee. The above document provides guidance on how to apply for an extension and includes an application form to print and fill in. The application form is also available for download as a Word file here.
A handy checklist to help circuits keep a record of quarterly assessed services, to help ensure that those in training have as wide a range of experiences as the circuit can offer.
Training - supporting information
Training Process for Local Preachers
This comprehensive table describes the whole training process for Local Preachers including all the requirements from Standing Orders and Safeguarding Policy.
Competencies for those requesting a Note to Preach
This provides some helpful resource for the conversation between a person requesting a Note to Preach and their Superintendent. It is part of a series of documents detailing the competenceis required for various positions within the leadership of the Church.
Competencies for those to be admitted as Local Preachers
A helpful resource for the Local Preachers' meeting as they seek to discern the call of a local preacher throughout their training.
The Methodist Church is committed to safeguarding as an integral part of its life and ministry. Safeguarding is about the action the Church takes to promote a safer culture. This means we will:
- promote the welfare of children, young people and adults
- work to prevent abuse from occurring
- seek to protect and respond well to those that have been abused
To find out more about the safeguarding policies and practices of the Methodist Church, see the Safeguarding page:
Safeguarding in the Methodist Church
Local preachers who are no longer taking appointments and who take no part in leading worship or eny other activities in their circuit are free to apply for exemption from DBS checks. Note that this includes being responsible for Local Arrangements. If the preacher resumes leading worship and preaching, they must obtain the necessary DBS checks and the exemption becomes invalid. Note that safeguarding compliance for local preachers is the responsibility of the circuit where they are a member.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
The Methodist Conference in 2021mandated that those in key roles in the church (including Ministers, Local Preachers, Circuit and Church Stewards) should undertake basic EDI training.
Worship Leaders are not required yet to undertake the training, but we hope that many will choose to do it because equality, diversity and inclusion are not just legal requirements but vital to our discipleship and mission, including the leading of worship.
The required training is the EDI training module. Full details are on the EDI Training webpage which you can find by following this link: Mandatory EDI training
You will see some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) here: EDI training FAQs
Data Protection
GDPR and the Circuit Preaching Plan
Guidance from TMCP about how to make the Preaching Plan compliant with GDPR requirements.