
Forms & Guidance for Local Preachers' Meetings

A selection of the forms and procedures you might need. See also the WLP Resources page for forms specifically related to LP & WL training.

Training for Local Preachers & Worship Leaders

Feedback forms for use at assessed services and trial services are now available on the WLP Resources page.

Assessed Services for those On Trial - this guidance has been updated with the requirements of WLP 3.0 in mind, but applies to all those in training.

Worship Record Sheet - a handy checklist to help circuits keep a record of quarterly assessed services for persons on trial.  Especially applies to WLP 3.0.

Circuit Interviews for Persons On Trial - guidance on conducting the two circuit interviews for local preachers on trial, including suggestions for using an Appreciative Inquiry approach.

Armed Forces Training Pathway - taking account of the particular challenges facing those training in the Forces, this pathway enables attachment to a "host circuit" with mentoring provided through the Forces' ecumenical chaplaincy network.

Extensions to period on trial - guidance on how to apply to your District for an extension to the five-year period, and some alternatives.  The document includes an application form to print and fill in.  The application form is also available for download as a Word file here.

Accreditation of Prior Experience and Learning (APEL) - this process allows previous relevant learning to be taken into account when embarking on local preacher training.  The document includes guidance and an application form.

Welcoming Lay Preachers from other traditions - guidance on how to use Standing Order 566A for helping newcomers with previous preaching experience to discern their call to be a Local Preacher.

Competencies for those requesting a Note to Preach - a helpful resource for the conversation between a person requesting a Note to Preach and their Superintendent.

Competencies for those to be admitted as Local Preachers - a helpful resource for the Local Preachers' meeting as they seek to discern the call of a local preacher throughout their training.

Useful documents

Training Process for Local Preachers - This comprehensive table describing the complete training process for Local Preachers was updated in January 2019.

Appointment and Training of a Worship Leader - This document shows the processes and steps from someone offering themselves to be a worship leader to becoming fully commissioned.

Circuit Interviews for Persons on Trial - some ideas for these interviews.


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