
For Local Preachers' Secretaries

Information you need for your role, including useful guidance and forms

Local Preacher Secretaries' Drop-Ins

An opportunity to share ideas and issues with others in this role. Each session will have some input on a particular topic from the Learning Network, and some informal time to chat. Come along as often as you wish and bring your ideas:

Thursday 17th October 2024, 7:30-9pm

Tuesday 22nd October 2024, 2-3:30pm

Thursday 20th February 2025, 7:30-9pm

Tuesday 25th February 2025, 2-3:30pm

Thursday 5th June 2025, 7:30-9pm

Tuesday 10th June 2025, 2-3:30pm

LPWL Return Form

To report Local Preacher developments in your circuit, including requesting accreditation material or Long Service Certificates or registering new students, tutors or mentors for training, please fill in an LPWL Return Form:

Click here for the electronic Return form.  

Please note that the first and final pages are mandatory to complete, for the rest of the pages you only need to complete what is relevant. 

If you would rather send a copy via post please request a hard copy version from localpreachers@methodistchurch.org.uk

Long Service Certificates

Long Service Certificates are provided by the Connexional Team to celebrate 25, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 years of service.  Unfortunately, we are not able to issue certificates signed by the President and Vice President to mark any other anniversaries. 

However, an alternative Long Service Certificate is available online. This certificate is designed to be signed by the Superintendent of the circuit.  It allows for years of service to be recognised at any point in the ministry of a local preacher, or to mark occasions such as retirements or other significant milestones.

Please print and present these certificates locally yourselves, as with the Worship Leader certificates.

If you have trouble printing these new certificates please contact us at localpreachers@methodistchurch.org.uk

District Local Preachers' Officers

District Local Preachers' Secretaries and Tutors perform a vital role in supporting the work of circuit Local Preachers' Meetings and connecting people involved in training and development across their District. 

This Role Description has been produced in consultation with District Officers to assist in explaining these roles, and encouraging districts to make the most of the opportunities they present.  The Officer for Worship & Local Preachers would be delighted to discuss with District representatives or prospective officers the possibilities this role presents - please contact  localpreachers@methodistchurch.org.uk.

This Guidance Note for District Local Preachers' Reports is designed to help District LP Officers in collecting information from circuits.

Periodic meetings are arranged by the Local Preachers' office for District Officers, to share issues and concerns and contribute to the development of training and support for Local Preachers and Worship Leaders.  Since 2020, these have been held via Zoom on a six-monthly basis.