
Keeping in touch

Sign up for the quarterly LPWL eNews and find contact information for the Local Preachers' Office

LPWL eNews

The latest version of LPWL News

LPWL E-News is the main way that we try to keep everyone up-to-date on what's happening that affects Local Preachers and Worship Leaders in the Methodist Church in Britain. It is sent to all LPs and WLs for whom we hold an email address on our database.

If you do not receive a copy, please sign up below. Please include your full name and circuit in the email and we will update our records and add you to a distribution list. If we need further information we will be in touch with you.

See our privacy notice for how we use your data 

Contact the Local Preachers' Office

For all general enquiries concerning Local Preachers and Worship Leaders, please contact us by email at: localpreachers@methodistchurch.org.uk

Please note that both the Officer and Administrator work partly from home and are only in the London office

Local Preachers
Ministries: Vocations and Worship
Methodist Church House
25 Tavistock Place
London WC1H 9SF
Telephone: 020 7486 5502 (Reception at Methodist Church House)