

All presbyters and deacons (including those who are Recognized & Regarded) may make use of a free personalised email address in the format forename.surname@methodist.org.uk

Contact ministersonline@methodistchurch.org.uk to initiate the set-up process. 

There is no mandatory requirement to use this service and you are welcome to continue using an alternative email address. 

Unfortunately, this service cannot be extended to lay employees and office holders, or Authorised Presbyters.

Access & Support

Once it has been set you, you can access your mailbox via https://mail.methodist.org.uk

To administer your account, go to https://mail.methodist.org.uk/admin

Technical support queries should be directed to support@fluent.ltd.uk or 01296 329200.

System Update - August 2024

The email system for ministers has become increasingly unreliable in recent years as noted in a Memorial to the Conference in 2023. Consequently, the existing email provision for email addresses that use forename.surname@methodist.org.uk will be moved to Microsoft 365 within the next 1-2 months. The reason for moving email providers is to provide ministers with a secure and functioning email system as well as expand the data storage capacity.

The email address will remain the same and the historic data will be moved across to the new provider. The primary change will involve setting up a new password and using Multi-Factor Authorisation. Ministers will need to complete some tasks to aid the move to the new provider and will be given guidance as to how to do this. Further details of what this entails and how this change will interact with other systems will be sent out in due course.

The move of each individuals’ emails should take no longer than 1 day, but due to the volume of mailboxes to be migrated, there is a 4 – 7 day window set aside for this across the Connexion. If a minister happens to be away during this time, the migration will continue in the background and once the minister is back at work, they will be redirected to the new website and instructions on how to set up a new password and Multi-Factor Authorisation.

Support and Guidance

We are working with ApsiraCloud to carry out this change to email addresses and the following support videos can be found here:

  • Logging onto Microsoft 365
  • Multi-Factor Authorisation Assistance
  • Accessing the Microsoft 365 Training Centre
  • Email How-to and Tips

If you have any issues or enquiries, our Email partner – AspiraCloud, support team is able to assist and you can contact them on here.