
Removals and Relocations

The Fund for the Support of Presbyters and Deacons will reimburse removal expenses when a minister in Full Connexion and in an appointment within the control of the Church retires. If the amount exceeds £4000, the approval of the Connexional Allowances Committee is required.

The grant form to apply for removal costs, travel mileage and a relocation grant can be found on Ministerial Grants (methodist.org.uk)

You will need to obtain three removal quotes and send them to ministerial.grants@methodistchurch.org.uk. Once the quote has been agreed you can proceed to book the company and return the grant form. Whilst ministers can book the company of their choice, only the amount of the lowest quote will be reimbursed.

If you have any queries please contact the Senior Administrator of Finance and Resources on 020 7467 3792.