
100 Dreams

Do you have lay people aged 20-40 in your circuit? Do you want to see them develop their leadership? Do they have capacity for running missional projects that you want to help grow?

100 Dreams is a vision to equip a new generation of lay leaders to start 100 new missional projects around the UK over five years. It’s a one year course of training and coaching in missional leadership for lay people aged 20-40 who want to start something new for the Kingdom.

The workshops take place online on Monday evenings, ensuring the course fits around the schedules of most people, including those working full time or with busy family commitments. The course costs just £200, and can be paid over the year at £20 per month. The total value of a 100 Dreams place is £5000, but we can offer 20 spaces at this vastly reduced rate due to a Connexional funding grant.

It’s relevant for people who want to start up or scale up mission projects – typically we resource those leading church plants, missional communities, social enterprises, youth events or community projects. We support leaders at various stages of a project, from those with an idea they want to launch, those already leading something they want to scale up, and those who feel they want to do something new but are unsure what that is. It’s also a great opportunity for those wanting to reimagine existing mission projects as we adjust to a post-Covid world.

100 Dreams is run by One Rock International and coordinated by Mark Williamson. Mark works part time at Methodist Central Hall Westminster, leading their Sanctuary congregation for young adults, and is an experienced local preacher. He is also chair of Fresh Expressions, a member of the New Places for New People Guiding Team, a coach on the God For All influencer program, and has extensive experience working with church leaders and mission projects around the UK; leading beach missions in Cornwall, city-wide missions in Leeds, starting fresh expressions in Lancashire and running island-wide missions on the Isle of Man. 

Our Impact

“I’ve found the program to be so helpful. It’s teaching I engage with – it’s asking us what does our walk with God look like? What do our leadership skills look like? What sort of leader do we want to be? What are our gifts and are we using them well? The focus was always in the right place, God first. Then followed up with lots of good helpful information.” Cathy Ward

Cathy is setting up a missional community for spiritual seekers in Bradford and also planning a social enterprise that will teach on mental health and wellbeing for primary school children. 

Further Info

Visit www.100dreams.co.uk, or watch a video story from another alumni here. Email mark@onerockinternational.com for a full prospectus, or to arrange a phone call to discuss. 

Please pray for the leaders on the course, and forward this information to a key individual – either to a lay person aged 20-40 you think would benefit from the course, or to another leader who is working with that age group.