
3Gen is getting ever closer and the ticket deadline is now passed!


While the deadline may have passed, we don’t want anyone to miss out on an amazing time at 3Generate! Join us for an action-packed weekend of workshops, talks, arts and crafts, sports and so much more! If you would still like to book tickets, please contact 3Generate@methodistchurch.org.uk to find out more about ticket booking. Take a look at our video for a sneak peak of what’s on offer this year: 3Gen Sneak Peak


3Generate would be nothing without our wonderful team of volunteers, and we still need some more helping hands to make the weekend as perfect as it can be! We are especially in need of Vilage Hosts, Youth Support and Set-Up team (who operate on Friday and Sunday only). If you would like to learn more about volunteering at 3Generate, click the link: Join the 3Generate Delivery Team - Methodist Church

For more info on volunteering and the roles available, watch the following video: Volunteering Roles


Our 4-7s area is back – and it’s even bigger and better this year! The ticket deadline may have passed but we don’t want anyone to miss out! We’ll have LEGO, play areas, a soft play party bus, as well as a whole range of interactive workshops and fun activities. If you would like to find out more about bringing your child to 3Generate – email 3Generate@methodistchurch.org.uk for ticket booking info.