
3Generate: be a part of it!

We’re looking to grow the incredible volunteering team: 3Generate happens because almost 300 volunteers come together to serve in a host of different roles. From being a steward, registering groups, assisting in venues, supporting those with additional needs, being on the youth support team or a village host in the group tents area – there are a wide range of ways your gifts and skills can make a difference. There is a great new stream too for young adult volunteers over the age of 18. 

Find out more about the difference volunteering can make and how you can benefit from the experience too by watching this brand new video: https://youtu.be/QMvp7iigU-8 

Sign up to be part of the 2023 team via this quick and easy link just for ministers here

We really hope you will prayerfully consider ways to join in and be a part of this amazing weekend for both children, young people and adults alike! 

If you would like further information please contact us via 3Generate@methodistchurch.org.uk