
3Generate Event Announcement

We are delighted to let you know that 3Generate, the children and youth assembly, will be going ahead at the NEC Birmingham from Friday 29th – Sunday 31st October 2021.

There will be a number of ways young people can participate as follows:

Attending the event on a residential basis, staying in camping villages with others in their group, for the weekend.

Joining the whole event on a daily basis, travelling to and from the venue but not staying overnight

Participating in person just for the day on Saturday 30th October

Phoebe Parkin, Youth President, said

“It’s such great news that 3Generate can go ahead in October and children and young people will be able to meet each other, worship together and explore faith in God. They’ve had to wait a long time to do this in person, it’s going to be a really special weekend!”

Tickets for 3Generate 2021 go on sale on Wednesday 14th July and we’d be encouraging all churches and groups to begin having conversations about how they may be able to take part.

In an exciting new development for this year we are planning to welcome 4 to 7 year olds and their parents/carers or significant adults. There’ll be a chance for them to explore faith and spirituality - alongside the main event - as part of an intentionally intergenerational space on Saturday 30th October.

We continue working closely with District Ambassadors and, through the advocating work they do, building an even better sense of connection with children and young people at a local level. We’d welcome your prayers for the ongoing planning of the event being done through satellite groups, as well as for all our children and young people. Our hope is that 3Generate will offer a wonderful opportunity to encounter God, gather together and be reminded of their vital place within the wider Methodist Church.

Do keep an eye on the event webpages as further information is made available and tickets go on sale here: www.3Generate.org.uk

3Generate is part of a wider initiative to support children and young people to live out their faith and grow in their discipleship for 365 days of the year. 3Generate the event is an important part of this journey, but it goes much wider. For children and young people to flourish they need to be completely embedded and fully participating in local Christian community, as part of the Body of Christ. This should be a community where all ages together pray, listen, notice, discuss and explore what God is calling them to, and commit to be active as disciples in the world.

Therefore from 2021 we will be simply referring to 365. This will define the direction of the work of the Methodist Children, Youth and Family Team – as we seek to encourage and support local churches to embed the aims and values of 365 across the Connexion.

Please be assured we will continue to monitor the situation regarding Covid-19 and will respond to any change in guidance over the coming weeks and months.

We hope you can join us on this exciting and transformational journey.


Do keep an eye on the event webpages as further information is made available and tickets go on sale here: www.3Generate.org.uk