
A Christmas Message from the Youth President of the Methodist Church

James is currently putting together his diary together for the coming year. If you have an event in your area, and would like him to attend, you can contact James via: youthpresident@methodistchurch.org.uk

Christmas is a time of reflection and togetherness, especially during our advent services. At this time, I am reminded of all the wonderful adventures I have been on since becoming Youth President. Everything started with 3Generate, that was a thrill and a chance for me to stretch my wings and test my abilities. 3Generate 2022 was special to me. I wasn’t sure how my stammer would impact my ability to lead such a prestigious event but the inclusive and accepting atmosphere from the children and young people present gave me no doubts that I was a part of the assembly. I also found it incredibly heart-warming when a few weeks ago, while reading the feedback from the event, I discovered my being on stage with a stammer encouraged another young person who also has one.

Excitingly, 3Generate also elected Tom Hart from the Lincolnshire district as the next Youth President. Tom will take over in September and I am excited to work with him when the time comes to hand over.

I have also had a magnificent time visiting various other locations across, and outside of, the UK; speaking with the people I represent and learning about the true extent and majesty of the Methodist Connexion. Christmas is also a time of looking forward and hope and I cannot wait to see where God takes me.

Finally, please remember that hearing the voices of children and young people are incredibly important and empowering. If you have a young person in your church, ask them over the year for their thoughts on the direction of your churches and society in general.

Merry Christmas everyone,

James Carver

Youth President of the Methodist Church