
A Methodist Way of Life (1)

The commitment cards for a Methodist Way of Life have been distributed with membership tickets by Methodist Publishing. Enough copies of an A6 booklet, A Brief Guide to a Methodist Way of Life, will be available for all members and others associated with the Methodist Church to be distributed by early November. In the meanwhile the pdf of the booklet can be downloaded from here.

Also available in November will be an A5 booklet Finding the Way: Getting Started with a Methodist Way of Life which outlines how ‘Our Calling’ can be lived out through the practices of a Methodist Way of Life, and which includes prayers, activities and faith stories. This is can be ordered at no cost through Methodist Publishing by circuits and local preachers’ meeting secretaries. There will be sufficient for every circuit to receive between six and thirty copies depending on the size of the circuit (circuits are asked to assess themselves what a reasonable order will be) and for every local preacher and worship leader to receive a copy. Local preachers’ secretaries will be contacted about this is due courses. 

Keep a watch on social media and the website for information on further resources that will become available over the next six weeks:

  • Preparing the Way, a study guide on a Methodist Way of Life for small groups, available as a downloadable pdf, which can be used in one, two, three or four sessions.
  • A set of sermon notes on each of the twelve commitments of a Methodist Way of Life with accompanying prayers and liturgical materials, and guidance for small group follow-up to sermons (also a downloadable pdf)
  • A conversational resource for all ages and for intergenerational use, consisting of a set of cards which will be available for ordering from Methodist Publishing at a small cost.